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We welcome Per Sjögren as the new post doc in DYLAN!

Skrevet av Gunnar Austrheim fredag 25. juni 2010 klokka 11:37 Ingen kommentarer »
Per Sjogren in Grindelwald

Per Sjogren in Grindelwald

DYLAN post-doc project: Long-term ecology of upland cultural landscapes  – Vegetation history and land-use in a dynamic landscape

The post-doc project is administrated by NTNU Museum of Natural History and Archaeology, Trondheim, with working place at Tromsø University Museum.

Read more about the post-doc project in pdf.

DYLAN Workshop 4-5 March 2010

Skrevet av Marc Daverdin torsdag 25. mars 2010 klokka 10:47 Ingen kommentarer »

The DYLAN workshop 2010 took place at  the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo 4th and 5th of March. Around 25 scientists involved in the project participated. Representatives from the management (Statskog, Statens landbruksforvaltning og Riksantikvaren) joined the first day. Pdf-files of presentations could be downloaded here.


Poster and presentation

Skrevet av Gunnar Austrheim onsdag 24. februar 2010 klokka 16:09 Ingen kommentarer »
Photo: Gunnar Austrheim

Photo: Gunnar Austrheim

The project had a poster on the Trondheim Conferences on Biodiversity Feb 1-5, 2010. We also presented DYLAN on the Norwegian Research Council conference on Norwegian environmental research towards 2015 (MILJO2015)

Download the poster and the presentation here.

Workshop in Oslo 4 and 5 March

Skrevet av Gunnar Austrheim mandag 25. januar 2010 klokka 11:25 Ingen kommentarer »
Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo.

Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo.

The  2010 workshop for all project members and the advisory group in Dylan will be at the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo in  March.  We will start with an open workshopon on the 4th  with invited guests from different management departments, while the workshop on the 5th will be an internal workshop for the members of the Dylan project including the advisory group.

Read the workshop program and get practical information in pdf.

Project description

Skrevet av Gunnar Austrheim mandag 19. oktober 2009 klokka 10:50 Ingen kommentarer »

Les PDF av prosjektbeskrivelsen her

DYLAN on tour

Skrevet av Gunnar Austrheim fredag 18. september 2009 klokka 11:46 Ingen kommentarer »

On tour in Erdal. Photo: Des Thompson.

On tour in Erdal. Photo: Des Thompson.

DYLAN tour to Budalen, Erdalen, Sunndalen and Grimsdalen 24 – 28 August 2009.