Frozen Fauna is a research blog dedicated to the study of birds and mammals in alpine glaciated environments, today and in the past. The research project has two aims:

1. To document how and which animals make use of alpine glaciers and snow/ice patches.

2. To explore what information old animal remains from such sites can provide about their history.

The goal is to provide important information regarding animal responses to future climate change, as well as which resources could have attracted human hunters to such sites. The blog will post updates on this research project, as well as exciting news from other projects and finds around the world.


This project is closely connected to a postdoc project on the history of Norwegian reindeer, as well as to the glacial archaeological project SPARC (Snow Patch Archaeological Research Cooperation). Several of the field studies will be performed within traditionally South Sami areas and have the potential to provide data on Sami history in the high alpine (Åarjelsaemien tsoevtsh).


Funding for the project has been provided by NTNU, the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Sami Parliament, DKNVS and Nansenfondet.


The project is managed by Dr. Jørgen Rosvold. I am a biologist, with training in both archaeology and anthropology. I finished my PhD in ecology in  2013 on the history of wild ungulates in Norway and is currently working at the archaeological department at NTNU University Museum. My main research interests are mammalogy, human ecology and the long-term effects of climate change and human land use on animals.


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The photo in the header is courtesy of Tord Bretten.

All photos are the property of the respective photographers, please ask permission before using any of them.

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