NTNU Vitenskapsmuseets blogger
DYLAN on tour
![On tour in Erdal. Photo: Des Thompson. On tour in Erdal. Photo: Des Thompson.](http://blogg.vm.ntnu.no/dylan/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Tour.jpg)
DYLAN tour to Budalen, Erdalen, Sunndalen and Grimsdalen 24 – 28 August 2009.
The Dylan project will start a new subproject in 2010 (WP 3). The main objective is to: ”Examine the valuation of cultural and natural heritage in relation to land use history and conservation philosophies in an international perspective by a comparative study of regions in UK and Norway”.
Our main partner from UK on WP3 is Professor Des B.A. Thompson who is the Principal Uplands Advisor at the Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). He has also the lead responsibility in the UK to advice on conservation of upland habitats. Recently he led the production of guidance to quantify the condition of habitats for the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) in UK.
The main aim of our tour to the three southern study sites in Dylan was to give Des an introduction to the cultural and natural heritage in the Norwegian upland landscape, and to discuss alternative possibilities for a comparative study.
John Atle Kålås, Senior researcher at The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and project leader for the Norwegian red list at The Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (and member of the Dylan advisory group) joined. Several others joined us at each site; land owners, managers, researchers. Here are some photos from four very interesting days.
Thank you everyone!
Gunnar Austrheim
Project leader Dylan
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